Artist and scientist Joaquín Fargas embarks on a quest to reveal the environmental impact of extracting lithium, a key component of electric cars – which aren’t as sustainable as Tesla or Toyota want you to believe.
Fargas has created the “Rabdomante” robot, a solar caterpillar that collects condensation in arid deserts. Its name is derived from “rhabdomancy,” a supposedly divine ability to discover hidden water sources or minerals; but how many thousands of these machines would be needed to produce a real change? It seems absurd to think about – but doing nothing at all would be even worse.
A mini series commissioned by the Barbican, based on the documentary “Project Utopia” featuring Joaquín Fargas.
Directed/produced/edited by Nico Muñoz and Frederick Bernas
Cinematography by Nico Muñoz
Music and sound design by Frederick Bernas
Audio mixing by Nico Staub
Field production by Joaquín Zaldivar
Costume design by Rocío Mendonça
Part of Our Time on Earth Shorts, produced by The Smalls
- Original series released by the Barbican Centre in June 2022
- Directors’ cut premiered by NOWNESS in August 2022