The Utopians
BARBICAN CENTRE / NOWNESS: Artist and scientist Joaquín Fargas embarks on a quest to reveal the environmental impact of extracting lithium, a key component of electric cars – which aren’t as sustainable as Tesla or Toyota want you to believe.
Flamenco Queer
THE NEW YORKER: Renowned Spanish dancer Manuel Liñán comes out to challenge convention by pursuing his love of performing flamenco – dressed as a woman – in a conservative society with rigid cultural traditions.
The Other Petra
BBC REEL: Hegra is an ancient archaeological site in Saudi Arabia, famous for spectacular Nabataean ruins – monumental tombs from an abandoned necropolis.
A quest to preserve Ukraine’s musical history
ATLAS OBSCURA / BBC WORLD SERVICE: Musicologist Miklós Both is on a mission to save traditional songs from remote villages.
Ballet and Bullets: Dancing Out of the Favela
VICE: A group of young ballerinas from one of the most violent favelas in Rio de Janeiro use dance to strive for a brighter future.
Brazilians use apps to dodge gun violence
NBC LEFT FIELD / WIRED / MONOCLE 24: As violence rises in Rio de Janeiro, people are using mobile apps and crowdsourced data to help each other stay safe by sharing information about shootouts in real time.
Sandy Stories
Six weeks after “Superstorm” Sandy devastated New York, recovery efforts were in full flow – but some Long Island residents still didn’t have basic services like water and heat. They staged a march to voice their discontent.