Frederick is working on film, music and audiovisual art projects. He recently co-directed “The Utopians,” a mini series released by the Barbican Centre in 2022.

The Utopians

The Utopians

BARBICAN CENTRE / NOWNESS: Artist and scientist Joaquín Fargas embarks on a quest to reveal the environmental impact of extracting lithium, a key component of electric cars – which aren’t as sustainable as Tesla or Toyota want you to believe.
Send in the Clones

Send in the Clones

RHAPSODY: With help from elite geneticists, the greatest polo player in the world – Argentina’s Adolfo Cambiaso – is pushing his sport into the realm of science fiction by re-creating champion horses.
Astro-boom offers big bang for the buck in Chile

Astro-boom offers big bang for the buck in Chile

AL JAZEERA: Chile will host 70 percent of global astronomic infrastructure by 2020 – with a boom in tech innovation, engineering and tourism set to follow.
Seizing Solar Power

Seizing Solar Power

AL JAZEERA: A documentary about one woman’s quest to harness the power of the southern sun with innovative technology.
Astrotourism skyrockets in Chile

Astrotourism skyrockets in Chile

BBC: Thousands of visitors are flocking to see the stars in Chile, attracted by clear skies and tourist observatories that are springing up around the northern regions.
Solar Villages

Solar Villages

AL JAZEERA / TRAILER: A documentary about the potential of solar energy to transform isolated rural communities, profoundly changing the lives of people struggling to survive at the margins of civilization.
Exploring dark energy with the world’s largest camera

Exploring dark energy with the world’s largest camera

REUTERS: Astronomers in Chile hope to unlock secrets of our changing universe with the most powerful sky-mapping camera ever built. A five-year study beginning in December aims to discover some 300 million galaxies and 4,000 supernovae.
Earth Patriot

Earth Patriot

RUSSIA NOW: “I always wanted to be a cosmonaut,” states Fyodor Yurchikhin without hesitation. “When I was a small boy, I jumped from a second floor balcony because I thought I was Gagarin.”