Minimalist composer Phill Niblock, the founder and director of Experimental Intermedia,
has been living in his Chinatown loft since the late 1960s – and curating concerts there for almost as long.

This short film was published online by The Wire magazine
click here for the original post.

Director / Videographer / Editor
Frederick Bernas


Phill Niblock — “G22, 44”
Roulette Intermedium / DCTV, 2000

Guitarists – Alan Licht, David First, Roger Kleier
Executive Producers – Jim Staley, John Alpert, Keiko
Director – Janene Higgins
Camera – Ngo Vinh-Hoi
Lighting Designer – Elizabeth Chaney
Editor – Chris Arnold

Sonia Megías — “II MONO+GRAPHIC”
Experimental Intermedia, 2012

“Tempsiabo” (2006)
CoroDental Singers
Catherine Provenzano – Soprano
Clara Barreneche, Merche Blasco, Joana Costa,
Luisien Elias, Inma Heredia, Slavo Krevkovic,
Thessia Machado, Raymond Sicam

“Shelley I” (2004)
Jesse Gilday – Clarinet

Nicolas Collins — “Tobabo Fonio” (1986)
Experimental Intermedia, 1989

Camera – Stella Varveris

Richard Bernas
Nicolas Collins
Katherine Liberovskaya
Sonia Megías
Matt Mehlan
John Rockwell
Matt Spendlove
Jim Staley
Duy Linh Tu
The Wire

Special Thanks
Phill Niblock