Frederick is working on film, music and audiovisual art projects. He recently co-directed “The Utopians,” a mini series released by the Barbican Centre in 2022.

Astro-boom offers big bang for the buck in Chile

Astro-boom offers big bang for the buck in Chile

AL JAZEERA: Chile will host 70 percent of global astronomic infrastructure by 2020 – with a boom in tech innovation, engineering and tourism set to follow.
Astrotourism skyrockets in Chile

Astrotourism skyrockets in Chile

BBC: Thousands of visitors are flocking to see the stars in Chile, attracted by clear skies and tourist observatories that are springing up around the northern regions.
Family of slain Chilean singer seeks justice in US

Family of slain Chilean singer seeks justice in US

AP: The family of Victor Jara claims to have solved the 40-year-old mystery of who killed the revered folk singer during Chile’s 1973 coup.
Exploring dark energy with the world’s largest camera

Exploring dark energy with the world’s largest camera

REUTERS: Astronomers in Chile hope to unlock secrets of our changing universe with the most powerful sky-mapping camera ever built. A five-year study beginning in December aims to discover some 300 million galaxies and 4,000 supernovae.