Sandy Stories
Six weeks after “Superstorm” Sandy devastated New York, recovery efforts were in full flow – but some Long Island residents still didn’t have basic services like water and heat. They staged a march to voice their discontent.

The multi-billion-dollar fight for national sovereignty
REUTERS: Felix Salmon explains the legal intricacies of Elliott vs. Argentina – one of those court cases so important and complex that only a Power Ranger, Transformers, Lego and wooden trains can possibly do it justice.

Exploring dark energy with the world’s largest camera
REUTERS: Astronomers in Chile hope to unlock secrets of our changing universe with the most powerful sky-mapping camera ever built. A five-year study beginning in December aims to discover some 300 million galaxies and 4,000 supernovae.

Interview: Pat Kiernan on the New York media world
MONOCLE 24: One of the most familiar faces in New York television is Pat Kiernan. He’s anchored the morning show on NY1 – a 24-hour news channel – for the last 15 years, and it’s become an essential way to start the day for many in the city.

The Aftermath of Superstorm Sandy
FRANCE 24 / LIVE: Reporting from New York early on October 30, after a vicious tropical storm devastated the city and surrounding states.

Interview: Todd Gitlin on Occupy and the election
MONOCLE 24: Occupy Wall Street may have all but disappeared from the news, but Professor Gitlin – author of a book about the campaign – believes its impact on political discourse has been significant, and could shape policy in a second Obama administration.

Pussy Riot: From ragtag artists to global icons of dissent
REUTERS: Three members of the Russian all-girl punk band Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in prison for “hooliganism” after playing in an Orthodox church. Reuters photojournalist Thomas Peter, who first met the artists in 2008, recalls his time with the group.

Guar: The obscure bean worth a bundle
REUTERS: The little-known guar bean is now used for excavating natural gas, which caused it to achieve the equivalent of bean stardom. And with it, prices have skyrocketed. That’s good for Texas bean farmers but bad for gas producers searching for a cheaper solution.

SPAMiversary: 7 BILLION cans sold in 75 years
REUTERS: The iconic canned ham has been the butt of jokes – but it’s also an American icon, serving troops in war, joining the Smithsonian and hamming it up on Broadway. Here's a rundown of Spam by the numbers.

NYC to expand outdoor gym provision
CNN: “Playgrounds for adults” have been around since the 1930s, but only recently began appearing in New York parks. Now, the city plans to roll out 24 new facilities over the next 18 months – after a successful space was opened near Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.

Cash-strapped towns cancel July 4 fireworks
CNN: As towns and cities across the United States are plagued by harsh weather and a harsher economy, many have been forced to abandon traditional Independence Day celebrations. But in New Rochelle, NY, a lifeline appeared from the unlikeliest of sources.

Thousands march in silence against NYPD’s “Stop and Frisk”
CNN: Last year, nearly 685,000 people were stopped by officers in cases that ended with no meaningful charge, according to police department statistics. Of these, 87% were African-American or Latino.